April - Meegahajandura School Festival

It's always good to track the progress of our old teachers and Isangani, the very first teacher at our special needs centre in Debarawewa has now become the principal of her own school: Meegahajandara Maha Vidyala School, located in a rural area midway between Yala and Udawalawa National parks.  

She recently held a special health awareness day for the 900-odd students and their families, capped by a special camp fire ceremony pictured (pictured). She has always stood out for her talent and one of her key aims is to improve her students' life skills.

January - Kids Class 14 Starts

A new batch of grade four students began our latest kids class this month including Lithuli, youngest daughter of the MCTC's manager, Tharindu.

The class is running every Monday afternoon with Thushari and Tharindu teaching. 

And it was heartening to hear that up to about one-third of the students already had some familiarity with computers through their oldest siblings. When we first launched these classes, the percentage was zero.